Sunday, 29 November 2009
Hello there!
It's been a while since I posted, a lot of uni work and general business. I have started a blog to publish my university work. So far the work I have uploaded is a little old but the new work will be uploaded this week when I can get into the photographic studio.
I'll also be posting regularly with content similar to this blog, so it's well worth you following me or subscribing to the new RSS feed.
Click: gemmalea.blogspot.com
Big loves all round xx
posted by Lola-Mae Online @ 10:00 pm,
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Melody Maison
Friday, 17 April 2009
Perpetual Black Desk Top Calendar - £27.95 from Melody Maison
Brown Black table top mannequin - £34.95 from Melody Maison
Labels: accesories, calendar, chic, decorative, desktop, dummy, french, kitsch, mannequin, Melody Maison, perpetual, retro, shabby
posted by Lola-Mae Online @ 4:27 pm,
Dutch by Design
Monday, 13 April 2009
Birdcage Table Lamp - £45 from Dutch by Design
Tord Boontje Ivy Wall Panel - set of six : £47.50 from Dutch by Design
Labels: birdcage, birds, Dutch by Design, ivy, lighting, wall art, wall hanging
posted by Lola-Mae Online @ 10:10 am,
Lola-Mae Online is about to become active again! There are lots of new submissions coming up so I'd love it for you guys to join the new RSS feed by clicking here.
I'll also be featuring a special article in the near future about how to start your own business on sites such as Etsy. I hope to have everything covered, even down to how you get your work printed, what you should know about sending your work to the printers and tips to start and/or increase sales. If you have any questions please email them to me and I will try to get them answered, there is a link to my email address on the left navigation bar.
So, it's been a while but hopefully we will be back on track soon, in the mean time please enjoy a mantra design by Sarah Gardner. Her work is really lovely and if your having a break and a cup of tea I insist you pop over and take a look through her Flickr album.
posted by Lola-Mae Online @ 4:14 am,
1 comment,
Oakham Treasures - Flickr Set
Saturday, 8 November 2008
Labels: Oakham Treasures
posted by Lola-Mae Online @ 4:08 pm,
All Things Original
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Cameras Print Tote Shopper Bag by What Katie Does - £12.00 from All Things Original
I found these lovely bags at All Things Original, I've been looking for some nice totes to lug my uni stuff around in for ages...
‘Play A Song For Me’ Bag by Hanna Melin - £10.00 from All Things Original
Labels: All Things Original, camera, tapes, totes
posted by Lola-Mae Online @ 12:02 am,
1 comment,
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Hi guys, I'm really sorry I haven't been updating. I've just started a new course at university and it's all been a bit hectic.
Anyway, I've noticed there has been a lot of hits everyday even though there hasn't been an update in a while. I'd like a bit of feedback, obviously I enjoy updating and putting ideas and designs up for people to see but not many people leave comments or feedback on the posts. Below is a little poll I'd like to know if you'd like Lola-Mae to stay active with frequent updates or if you aren't to bothered.
Please let me know, it's just a little click!
Labels: news
posted by Lola-Mae Online @ 4:13 pm,